While remote work has become commonplace,
Visit the store, see it with your own eyes, touch it,
Fragrant and confirmed shopping pleasure,
The past few years have reaffirmed the fun. Estonay
At the Roppongi Hills store, you can feel like an adult.
A high-quality item that excites
It's ready. Roppongi Hills fashion
In order to convey the charm of the
Continuing interviews with creators
連載企画「Beauti-Full Things」。

While remote work has become commonplace, it is also important to actually visit the store, see it with your own eyes, and touch it.
Over the past few years, I have rediscovered the joy and fun of shopping, which I can smell, smell, and be sure of. S
The Tonation Roppongi Hills store has high-quality eyewear that excites adults.
I have the tem. Know the real thing to convey the charm of Roppongi Hills fashion
A serial project "Beauti-Full Things」。

This time, as a mother of two children, as a model,
War Lifestyle Prode
work as a user
Estnesi with the dancing Hiroko Hatano
the charm of
I thought about power. high fash
Mr. Hatano, who is gaining popularity with
is the pick
Also pay attention to the wonderful items that have been uploaded.

Beauti-Full Things HIROKO HATANO


A place where couples can enjoy
I like it

“My Men's and I used to come to ESTNATION in Roppongi Hills a lot before COVID-19 Men's Mr. Miss. It seems that he was really looking forward to this day when he visited Roppongi Hills store after a long absence. From maison brands to up-and-coming domestic and foreign brands, you can find high-quality clothing and accessories, candles and perfumes that enrich your feelings, and a Roppongi Hills Shops. We stopped at the accessory corner.
Picked up a simple but striking “Blanc Iris” silver accessory and tried on several. Next, we will move on to the clothing corner. "My closet is full of monotones, but recently I've been interested in adult pink," she said while picking up pink blouses and sweatshirts. The person who says that he likes to incorporate casual items.
When I tried on the cap, she said, "I also really like the selection of ESTNATION accessories. I often wear hats. I also bought it in a different color,” he shared. From neat adult attire to casual. The breadth of the lineup is also the charm of Shops.

“Okay if you come to ESTNATION”
There has long been a sense of security that

シューズコーナーで“ボッテガ・ヴェネタ”のボリューミーなスニーカーをチェックした後は、ハイブランド&インポートブランドのコーナーへ。「一流ブランドもありながら、まだ知らないインポートブランドもいち早く並んでいる。セレクトが私好みなものが多いので、お洋服を見るのが本当に楽しみなんです」。そんな言葉とともに“メゾン マルジェラ”や“ザ・ロウ”のモダンなウエアを手に取った後は、フレグランス売り場へと移動。
“There are also high-quality candles and diffusers, and there is always a sense of security that comes from ESTNATION.
続いて足を止めたのはニコライ バーグマン フラワーズ&デザイン。フラワーライフスタイルプロデューサーとして活躍する畑野さんにとって、このお店は深い縁があるとのこと。「実は私がお花のお仕事を始める前に、雑誌の取材でニコライ・バーグマンさんとお話しさせていただいたことがあったんですよね。それ以来エストネーションに来たときは必ず覗いています。私がお花が好きになったきっかけにもなったお店なんです。お花と花器のバランスが絶妙にお洒落。久しぶりに作品を見せてもらって、やっぱり素敵だな、と思いました」。お花をこよなく愛する彼女ならではの弾ける笑顔が印象的でした。最後にコスメコーナーをチェック。広い店内を一周したその感想について聞いてみると「すごくインスピレーションをもらえますよね。本当に様々なブランドやアイテムが並んでいて、そのすべてが上質でお洒落。一度に一つのお店でここまで見ることができるお店ってなかなかないじゃないですか?一つの時間で色んなものを見られて、脳を刺激されました。欲張っちゃいそうです。」
ESTNATION Roppongi Hills store gave Mr. Hatano a wonderful stimulus even after a long absence. From here, we will pick up and introduce the products that Mr. Hatano was particularly interested in from among the many products.

Beauti-Full Things HIROKO HATANO

accent with jewelry
Wearing your own style

"soon店内50Now that I'm in my teenage years, I've started to choose clothes and accessories that are of high quality, that can be used for a long time, and that I can enjoy in my own way. I've always liked casual items, so my accessories are definitely silver. For the upcoming season, make bold and impactful high-quality necklaces and accessories like this.TI thought it would be nice to match it with a shirt, so I picked it up. I think it's my style to add a little accent to a simple outfit with jewelry. ”

  • Necklace [blanciris] ¥140,800
  • Bracelet [blanciris] ¥88,000


  • Necklace [blanciris] ¥140,800
  • Bracelet [blanciris] ¥88,000

accent with jewelry
Wearing your own style

"soon店内50Now that I'm in my teenage years, I've started to choose clothes and accessories that are of high quality, that can be used for a long time, and that I can enjoy in my own way. I've always liked casual items, so my accessories are definitely silver. For the upcoming season, make bold and impactful high-quality necklaces and accessories like this.TI thought it would be nice to match it with a shirt, so I picked it up. I think it's my style to add a little accent to a simple outfit with jewelry. ”

feel better this year
I want to incorporate adult pink

“With the arrival of spring, I was naturally attracted to this year’s dark pink short-length shirt to lift my spirits and get a makeover. , It looks like you can wear it very cute just by pairing it with simple thick pants or rough denim.I like casual mix-style outfits, so I often wear sweatshirts, but it's a light and elegant pink that even adults can wear fashionable. I really liked the color. Pink can make you look too young, but if you choose the right color, even adults can enjoy it.”

  • Shirt [ESTNATION] ¥24,200
  • Sweatshirt [BLANC basque] ¥23,100


  • Shirt [ESTNATION] ¥24,200
  • Sweatshirt [BLANC basque] ¥23,100

feel better this year
I want to incorporate adult pink

“With the arrival of spring, I was naturally attracted to this year’s dark pink short-length shirt to lift my spirits and get a makeover. , It looks like you can wear it very cute just by pairing it with simple thick pants or rough denim.I like casual mix-style outfits, so I often wear sweatshirts, but it's a light and elegant pink that even adults can wear fashionable. I really liked the color. Pink can make you look too young, but if you choose the right color, even adults can enjoy it.”

Even in the same monotone
I want to increase quality clothes

“When I look at my closet, I see that most of my clothes are white or black. I like the transparent dress for adults and the material is good.TPOI often wear monotone clothes, but I wanted to increase the quality of the monotone clothes, so it was perfect for my current mood. On days when I can wear black and white clothes freely, I want to enjoy fashion by incorporating pink and other colors. ”

  • One-piece Dress [ESTNATION]
  • each¥44,000


  • One-piece Dress [ESTNATION]
  • each¥44,000

Even in the same monotone
I want to increase quality clothes

“When I look at my closet, I see that most of my clothes are white or black. I like the transparent dress for adults and the material is good.TPOI often wear monotone clothes, but I wanted to increase the quality of the monotone clothes, so it was perfect for my current mood. On days when I can wear black and white clothes freely, I want to enjoy fashion by incorporating pink and other colors. ”

Not only clothes
Nice selection of small items

“As I said earlier, I really like wearing casual clothes, so I often wear sneakers.The summer-like fresh white coloring and round, voluminous BOTTEGA VENETA are very cute. The bright green sole is also attractive.It's simple but has a strong presence, so I think it's good to match it with thick pants.It's only in ESTNATION that you can see high brand items like this. I once again felt that not only the clothes but also the selection of accessories is wonderful."

  • Shoes [BOTTEGA VENETA] ¥104,500


  • Shoes [BOTTEGA VENETA] ¥104,500

Not only clothes
Nice selection of small items

“As I said earlier, I really like wearing casual clothes, so I often wear sneakers.The summer-like fresh white coloring and round, voluminous BOTTEGA VENETA are very cute. The bright green sole is also attractive.It's simple but has a strong presence, so I think it's good to match it with thick pants.It's only in ESTNATION that you can see high brand items like this. I once again felt that not only the clothes but also the selection of accessories is wonderful."

Because of who I am now
I have a scent

“I love scented items such as candles and diffusers. Basically, I like wood products, but my preferences change depending on my condition at the time, so when I see a brand that interests me or a new brand, I try it. When I smelled the “Lovesolu” hand gel and candle that I saw for the first time today, I felt that “the scent fits me right now.”Just like there are flowers that can only be selected now, scents are also available now. There are scents that are unique to me.I think that's part of the fun of choosing a scent.The design and box are cute, so it looks like a good gift."

  • Hand Gel [LabSolue] ¥4,400 [200ml]
  • Candle [LabSolue] ¥9,900


  • Hand Gel [LabSolue] ¥4,400 [200ml]
  • Candle [LabSolue] ¥9,900

Because of who I am now
I have a scent

“I love scented items such as candles and diffusers. Basically, I like wood products, but my preferences change depending on my condition at the time, so when I see a brand that interests me or a new brand, I try it. When I smelled the “Lovesolu” hand gel and candle that I saw for the first time today, I felt that “the scent fits me right now.”Just like there are flowers that can only be selected now, scents are also available now. There are scents that are unique to me.I think that's part of the fun of choosing a scent.The design and box are cute, so it looks like a good gift."

Feel free to enjoy hair
I would like to give it to my master

"It's not just clothes and accessories, but it's unique to ESTNATION that it also has a cosmetics corner. Not only women's lipsticks and foundations, but Men's 's items are also available, so it's really wide. Not just clothes. , items that color your lifestyle are lined up, and you can enjoy fashion from various angles.What caught my attention today was the color grease from “Fiveism by Three.” Casual hair styling and It looks like you can enjoy coloring it, so I think I'll give it to my husband as a present."

  • Color Grease [FIVEISM × THREE] ¥4,180
  • Eye Color / Face Color [MAKE UP FOR EVER]
  • ¥13,420


  • Color Grease [FIVEISM × THREE] ¥4,180
  • Eye Color / Face Color [MAKE UP FOR EVER]
  • ¥13,420

Feel free to enjoy hair
I would like to give it to my master

"It's not just clothes and accessories, but it's unique to ESTNATION that it also has a cosmetics corner. Not only women's lipsticks and foundations, but Men's 's items are also available, so it's really wide. Not just clothes. , items that color your lifestyle are lined up, and you can enjoy fashion from various angles.What caught my attention today was the color grease from “Fiveism by Three.” Casual hair styling and It looks like you can enjoy coloring it, so I think I'll give it to my husband as a present."

shopping is exciting
Hours to face yourself is a luxury

“Recently, I often go to school because of my children, so I haven’t been able to find Hours to Photo:by myself. I thought it was important to come to the store and choose.Shopping is exciting, and Hours to focus on choosing clothes as your own Hours is really luxurious.That kind of Hours is called Arafif. I once again thought that I would like to cherish it in front of
On this day, Mr. Hatano once again felt the joy of shopping and the importance of spending Hours with fashion. Spending Hours at ESTNATION Roppongi Hills store, where high-quality and stylish items are lined up, will surely add color to your life. Why don't you spend some stylish and luxurious Hours in this space in the middle of the city?
  • All displayed prices are tax included.
  • The posted information is2023Year4Mon20It will be the information as of the date
    The contents are subject to change without notice.

1975年埼玉県出身。90In addition to continuing to be active in many fashion magazines as a model since the 1960s, she has also worked in TV dramas, movies,cmPerformer Currently, while being a mother of two children, she is also active as a flower lifestyle producer. The husband is former soccer player Keita Suzuki.

1F 2FHILLSIDE Keyakizaka Complex